A downloadable game

Help Grubb escape prison in this cool game! 

Look around with the mouse, move with WASD and use space to jump. There are four balls connected to you at the beginning; use/throw them with the numbers 1 through 4. Retrieve a ball from a pedestal with Q. The different balls do different things, namely burn crates/light torches, crush certain objects, push metal doors and activate switches (not implemented).

The plan was to create a game where you have to balance the number of active balls and their powers in order to solve Legend of Zelda-like puzzles and escape the dungeon. However, we were not able to finish the game in time, so what we have here is more like a demo of some of the mechanics for the puzzles. Hope you enjoy it non the less!


WindowsNoEditor.zip 171 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run .exe file.

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